Two years of Daesh in Mosul and Nineveh: Land evangelized by apostle Thomas, now without Christians

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In the summer of 2014, hell once again broke loose in Iraq. Unfortunately, the situation has hardly changed and Daesh continues to occupy much of the Iraqi territory, assassinating and abducting hundreds of people in its path. Just a few days ago, several internally displaced people were killed and more than 3,000 in the north of the country were abducted.

Two years ago, thousands of Christians and Yazidis escaped the city of Mosul and the Nineveh Plains, to avoid converting to Islam or paying a tax. However, the alternative to these options was death. Therefore, some 120,000 people had to flee to Iraqi Kurdistan in the north in the span of a few hours.

They have not returned home because the Iraqi authorities have not been able to expel the radicals. However, the Iraqi army has managed to free cities such as Ramadi and Fallujah. During the offensive, the more than 80,000 people who had to escape this city now live in refugee camps in temperatures up to 122°F. This father explains how his small daughter died in this field by a scorpion sting.

Iraqi refugee
'I have nightmares, many nightmares. I have this medicine in my pocket. I went to get this medicine. They gave me a sedative because the doctor prescribed it. I told them I donâ??t sleep at night. My daughter died in my arms and I cry all day. At night I have nightmares.'

While they are freeing these cities, the army has also found more than 50 mass graves containing dozens of bodies.

The UN, the U.S. Congress and the United Kingdom have already qualified what is happening with religious minorities in Iraq a 'genocide.' 

But it is not over yet. There are 3,200 Yazidis women still enslaved by terrorists who sell and buy them as if they were merchandise. This is proven by documents like this in which shows a womens price list from one year old up to 50 years old. Also in this cell phone video of one of the members of Daesh, where he boasts of the number of Yazidis women they have purchased.

They are not only destroying thousands of lives, but also ruining an invaluable historical and cultural heritage. They have destroyed churches and unique monuments, dating back to the deep Christian roots of Iraq, the land evangelized by Thomas the apostle in the first century after Christ.


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