Pope in Audience: The works of mercy are the antidote to the virus of indifference

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On Wednesday the pope was an early riser and appeared in the St. Peter's Square ahead of schedule. He made his usual route in the popemobile and also greeted the smallest present in the crowd.

At the end, he received a very musical surprise.

Pope Francis appreciated their detail and even asked them to sing louder.

'Now louder.'
'I love you.'
'Louder, louder.'

In his catechesis, the pope explained that mercy should not be manifest only in isolated gestures, but must be a constant attitude in everyday life. He also presented the recipe to obtain it.

'How can we be witnesses of mercy? This is not by undertaking great tasks or superhuman gestures. No, it's not. The Lord tells us there is a much simpler way, composed of small gestures. However, in His eyes these have great value in the way that He told us that these gestures will be judged.'

He said in order to be merciful, a person does not need to undertake extensive deeds. Mercy begins with those who are closest to others.

'In a world sadly affected by the virus of indifference, the works of mercy are the best antidote. In fact, they educate us to be attentive to the most basic needs of our 'smallest brothers.''

For this antidote to work in the world, Pope Francis proposed that Christians do one work of mercy each day.

'If each of us, every day, do one work of mercy, there will be a revolution in the world. Everyone, ok? Each one of us.'

These small daily gestures, the pope said, are those that produce a true 'cultural revolution.' He also gave the example of saints like Teresa of Calcutta, who made history not by opening houses, but by showing how to treat those most in need.

In addition, before leaving Pope Francis again voiced his concern for Syria. He once again called for an immediate cease fire, to allow the evacuation of children still living under the bombs.


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