It is said that forgiveness should not be denied to anyone, and that is exactly what the new film by Spanish director Juan Manuel Cotelo wants to convey in 'The Greatest Gift'.
Director, 'The Greatest Gift'
'I think it will be very encouraging to see that there are people, and they are ordinary beings, who have asked for forgiveness for grave things they did, and those that have forgiven the grave things they did to them. So that any spectator can think when leaving the cinema: 'I too can ask for forgiveness, I too can forgive.''
In the film, people that managed to change their life thanks to forgiveness are featured, even after living in extremely cruel situations. Like for example Irene Villa, survivor of an attack of the terrorist band ETA.
Survivor terrorist attack
'Not to forgive means to live bound to hatred and grudges that aren't positive. Instead, they drag down your life. People say to me, 'I do not understand how you can forgive those who almost killed you.' I say, 'I don't do it for them, I do it for me.'â?
'I cried and cried and cried, until I thought: 'What have I done with some much hatred in my life?'. Is there any way to break that spiral of hate and sadness? Can you look with peace upon the person who killed or ordered to kill your own daughter? Is it possible to love an enemy?.â?
Director, 'The Greatest Gift'
'Jesus Christ came to earth to forgive us and open the way to Heaven. Allusions to Jesus Christ's forgiveness in the Gospel are many: How often shall I forgive my brother? 70 times 7. 'When someone slaps you on the cheek, offer them the other' 'Love your enemies' 'Forgive them, they do not know what they do,' 'If you do not forgive your enemies you will not participate in the Kingdom of Heaven.''
For this movie to hit theaters, they have launched a Crowdfunding campaign. Anyone can contribute to this 'defense of forgiveness', which reaches out to everyone in the entire world.
Director, 'The Greatest Gift'
'Anyone can join this project from home, from a mobile phone, or from a computer screen by entering our website at www.infinito + They can make a donation that can be from one euro to larger amounts, and as a symbol of gratitude we offer small gifts to reward that donation.â?
Etymologically, the word forgiveness means 'a great gift'. As this motion picture explains, the best gift is forgiveness, both towards others and also towards ourselves.