Pope Francis: The commandments “bring man to his truth, that is, to his poverty”

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At the beginning of the General Audience, as Pope Francis passed by in the popemobile, he left many memorable moments for the pilgrims such as the greeting of this sick woman...

...Or when he gave advice to these newlyweds who attracted his attention with a banner. 

In his catechisis, the pope spoke about the last two of the Ten Commandments. He said these present a fundamental question for all mankind: the heart of man and the disposition of the soul. He said it is there where evil desires emerge which only God and one's conscience know.

“Each one of us can ask ourselves: what bad desires do I often have? Envy, greed, gossip? All these things that I have inside.” “This is the challenge. To free the heart from all these evil and ugly things.”

The pope explained that these commandments prepare a Christian for a personal encounter with Christ. This is because those evil desires, invisible to a neighbor but not to one's conscience, oblige one to remain in a state of permanent humility. 

“The aim of the Law is to bring people to his truth, that is, to his poverty. Only God's mercy heals the heart. Blessed are those who recognize their own evil desires. Those who have a repentant and humbled heart and don't go before God and people as righteous, but as sinners. These are those who know how to have compassion, who know how to be merciful to others because they experience it in themselves.”

Pope Francis insisted that men must recognize the inner disorder in their hearts. At the end of the audience, the pope recalled that Nov. 21 is an important Marian feast in the Catholic Church, the day of the Presentation of the Blessed Mother in the Temple.

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