A Foundation that promotes forgiveness as a way to heal grief

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Nino Oliver's father died while enjoying one of his favorite passions: cycling. A road accident ended his life. It wasn't an easy time for Nino. But he chose to forgive.

President of the Marcelino Oliver Foundation
'We must not allow the past to have power over our lives, which is why it is so important to practice forgiveness to release the pain we feel and the attachments that prevent us from living life to the fullest.'

Nino used the accident insurance money to create the Marcelino Oliver Foundation, in order to promote the idea of forgiveness.

President of the Marcelino Oliver Foundation
'We provide legal and psychological help to cyclists who are victims of traffic accidents. We also have the first women's sustainable cycling team. We teach road safety in schools and institutes and promote the March of Forgiveness bicycle ride from Murcia to Rome. We also do social work with the foundation which distributes food to the most vulnerable people.'

Folowing his father's death, Nino says he had to stop thinking of himself as a victim. He couldn't live his whole life feeling trapped.

President of the Marcelino Oliver Foundation
'Forgiveness means committing yourself to a process of change and hope. Positive change is always good for everyone. To move from suffering to forgiveness, you have to let go of resentment. You have to love yourself and have patience, because it doesn't happen overnight. I couldn't forgive from one day to the next the person who ran over my father.

The website fundacionmarcelinooliver.org provides more information about the Foundation's projects aimed at promoting forgiveness... and moving on.

Daniel Díaz Vizzi

Translation: Christian Campos

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