Insightful movie about whose rights win out when considering abortion

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“The Order of Rights” tells the story of Emma Stein, a pregnant teenager caught in a lawsuit to determine whether or not she has the right to get an abortion.

Defending the unborn baby's right to life is the father, Ethan Carpenter, portrayed by actor Ben Davies, himself a father of three and defender of life.

Actor, “The Order of Rights”
“In the United States, our foundation is life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Enjoying your life and having the freedom to do so is a wonderful benefit of having liberty, having these rights that are given to you so that you can live out these things and pursue your own happiness and desires. However, both those things are completely meaningless if you do not have life before all of those.”

The movie focuses especially on the legal aspect of abortion, but it also explores the emotional impact of struggling with such a life-changing decision.

Actress, “The Order of Rights”
“I personally am pro-life, and so being able to play a role like Emma Stein is always, it always takes you a step back because you get to say like, 'Well, what if I didn't have the beliefs that I had, and what if I was more just go with the flow, and didn't know what I know about the abortion industry, and how that affects not only the unborn baby, but also the mother.”

For Roberts and Davies, “The Order of Rights” is not about simply choosing one side or the other. It's about fostering compassion and understanding; bringing healing to people who have been impacted by abortion; and encouraging people to stand up for what they know is right.

Actress, “The Order of Rights”
“The best thing that people could take away from this is that one of the greatest gifts you can give someone that's walking through a challenging situation is not always having the answer of what they should do, but just being there and saying, 'Hey, how are you feeling? Hey, what are you doing? Hey, can I drive you to this appointment just so I can be there with you?' No one needs to walk through things alone.”

Actor, “The Order of Rights”
“I really hope that Ethan Carpenter's story can resonate and show people the hope and the promise and the future when you do follow your morals and do follow Christ and stand up for what you know is right.”

Directed by James Ball, “The Order of Rights” explores the controversial question of who has the right to decide the fate of the unborn.


European Dreams Factory

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