Jason Evert: fixing your porn addiction means saving your future family

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Talking about the dangers of pornography is not your classic everyday job. But it is the day-to-day reality for Jason Evert—best-selling author, speaker and father of eight. Jason travels around the world speaking to teenagers about chastity and dating. And his journey to this unique career began in an unlikely place: counseling women outside of abortion clinics.

Catholic author & chastity speaker

I just started feeling late. Like, why am I meeting this woman now, when she’s getting an abortion in 45 minutes? Why couldn’t I have met her when she was 15 years old? Because maybe, if she had learned about chastity then, she never would’ve dated this guy to begin with and be in this difficult situation today.

Since that moment, Jason has traveled to six continents speaking to young people. From public high schools to Harvard, his message confronts the tough topic of pornography head-on.

Catholic author & chastity speaker

Porn is the distortion of human love. And so we have to kill these habits to be free to love. That’s why I tell guys, if you’re still looking at pornography, you shouldn’t even ask a woman on a date—because you can’t ask her to commit to you unless you’re prepared to be faithful to her.

For a long time, pornography was a taboo subject in the Catholic Church. Only recently has it been openly discussed, including by the popes. Pope Francis addressed the issue in his recent catechesis on vices and virtues.

Sexual pleasure, which is a gift from God, is undermined by pornography: satisfaction without relationship can generate forms of addiction.

And pornography is addictive. 2024 data shows that 25% of all internet searches made every day are related to pornography.

When it comes to combating porn, Jason encourages confiding in trusted friends, addiction counseling and frequenting Mass and Eucharistic Adoration. He also advises those struggling to take note of when and where the addiction arises—and pay special attention to the type of content consumed on personal screens.

Catholic author & chastity speaker

If the Church wants people to see God, it needs to help them to be pure in heart. And there’s nothing, I think, that makes it harder to be pure in heart than our screens. I mean, it’s two clicks away from this whole world of perversion, of struggles that you ordinarily wouldn’t have.

But Jason insists that those trying to overcome their addiction remember why they're doing it.

Catholic author & chastity speaker

The function of this isn’t just to manage your sin. The function of this is so you can be free to love.

This is the message that Jason Evert has personally delivered to over 2.5 million teenagers. Because he says pursuing chastity and fixing porn addictions is not only about saving yourself, it's about saving your future family.


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