My pencil for God: a game that helps children to pray

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'I am a pencil in the hands of Godâ?, Mother Teresa once said. This phrase inspired the 'My pencil for God' project that helps teach children how to pray at home. 

LORETO BELLOT                                                
Author, My pencil for God
'I realized that once you're born, God begins a blank book and what He really wants, as Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, is that we be a pencil in His hands and He really likes that we write with Him our history and what happens to us everyday.'

Each container has 31 numbered cards so they can be used for a whole month. In this way, children can learn the basic concepts of the Christian faith. 

LORETO BELLOT                                               
Author, My pencil for God
'With this pencil, they learned to speak with God and to do it on a daily basis. And it's what we really want, right? That religion, that doctrine comes to life'. 

The two year old project can be used both at home or in religion classes. The creators hope that it will serve as an useful guide to teach kids on how to talk to Jesus.   

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