Vatican: No date for reconciliation with Lefebvrians, but the spirit is "constructive"

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While there is still no date for the expected reconciliation of the Lefebvrians with Rome, the climate of dialogue is very good.

Guido Pozzo, secretary of the Vatican commission responsible for dialogue with The Society of St. Pius X, says that the next step must be given by them. The ball is in their court. ;

Secretary, Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei
'The reconciliation will occur when Monsignor Fellay formally adheres to the doctrinal declaration that the Holy See presented to him. This is also the necessary condition to then proceed to the institutional regularization with the creation of a personal prelature. I have noticed that there is not a controversial spirit but constructive. The different points of view or opinions we have on some issues do not necessarily need to lead to division, but to a mutual enrichment. I have realized that it is a priority for them to overcome this fracture with the Holy See. For them, it's a priority over other concerns.'

Before establishing the new personal prelature, the Vatican will consult the episcopal conferences, in the areas in which the society currently works.

Guido Pozzo points out that the key to reconciliation lies in understanding the Second Vatican Council. The interpretations that were promoted by some theologians, intellectuals and the media have encouraged ruptures similar to the Lefebvrians.

Benedict XVI, in his Christmas message to the Curia in 2005, recalled that these erroneous interpretations fostered the misperception that the council symbolized a break with the previous doctrine, instead of a continuity. ;

Secretary, Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei
'This contradiction, this 'overlap', has generated that climate of conflict, confusion, and uncertainty about the Council's interpretation, which is at the root of the criticisms and difficulties raised by the Fraternity of St. Pius X.'

First, it was John Paul II, followed by Benedict XVI, that worked intensely for reconciliation with the Lefebvrians. Pope Francis has since taken over the duty left to him, and his style has not been indifferent to the society.

It seems that the Argentine pope's attitude has helped, because they have ceased to feel examined or judged by the Church. Instead, they have perceived a real interest in from the Vatican in trying to understand them. ;


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