The founder of La Repubblic newspaper made a stir a few days ago. Following a meeting with the pope, he published a summary of the conversation in which he said Pope Francis told him hell didn't exist.
The Vatican swiftly denied the claim in a brief press release. It's not the first time the journalist has written articles citing talks he didn't record. In fact, the Vatican press release says what he published about the pope “it was the fruit of his own reconstruction.”
Pope Francis frequently speaks about hell and the devil, but the statements rarely appear in news publications.
October 30, 2014
“This generation along with many others has been taught that the devil is a myth, a figure, an idea, the idea of evil. But the devil exists, and we must fight against him.”
The Holy Father clearly mentioned the devil in February 2016 in Mexico. There, he offered Christians advice on facing this strong and lying adversary.
February 14, 2016
“Because brothers and sisters, let's get one thing clear, one cannot have a conversation with the devil. We can't do this, because the devil will always win. Only the power of the Word of God can defeat the devil.”
Strong mention is made of hell each time corruption or the mafia is brought up. This is how Pope Francis urged mafia members to repent for their crimes.
March 21, 2014
“You still have time to not end up in hell. That is what awaits you, if you continue down this path.”
This is how the Holy Father called for prayer for the conversion of corrupt people, so they don't suffer the repercussions of their crimes.
June 17, 2014
“As Christians, our duty is to pray for them and ask the Lord to give them the grace of penance, so that they don't die with a corrupt heart, because otherwise the dogs of hell will take their blood.”
The pope of mercy recognizes there's one sin which receives no forgiveness: corruption. There's a clear reason for this – one can not be forgiven if he or she doesn't want to ask for forgiveness.