JRS celebrates 38th Anniversary and the opening of founder's beatification process

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The Jesuit Refugee Service has recently celebrated their 38th anniversary. It is an organization that operates within 52 countries. They provide refugees education, reconciliation and livelihood training.

During their celebration, Fr. Arturo Sosa SJ, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, announced that Pedro Arrupe's cause for beatification has officially begun. Arrupe was the founder of JRS and superior general of the Jesuits from 1965 to 1983. 

According to Fr. Tom Smolich, Pedro Arrupe's spirit still lives on through this organization's work. 

International Director, Jesuit Refugee Service
“What Fr. Arrupe emphasized more than anything else was the need to accompany those we serve. He talked about a service which is human, pedagogical and spiritual. So it is always important for us to engage the whole person. They are our sisters and brothers.”

The Jesuit Refugee Service was initiated by Pedro Arrupe in response to the refugees fleeing Vietnam after the war in the late 1970s. 

Today among their many projects, one of their works is to assist Iraqi and Syrian refugees. They have been in Syria since civil unrest broke out there. 

Now they are working toward helping to rebuild communities there and care for those displaced due to the war. 

International Director, Jesuit Refugee Service
“They can't wait to go home. Of course they would want things in place but the primary thing is they want to be safe. They are not going to risk moving back home, risk the lives of their children if there is not a safe place to go back to.”

He says it is understandable that people from other countries are afraid of refugees, wondering if they can be trusted. He also believes a more orderly migration process should be established.

However, he says countries closing their borders is not the solution. There needs to be better understanding toward refugees who are in a desperate situation and have no other way of surviving.  

International Director, Jesuit Refugee Service
“Lebanon has over a million refugees and a population of five million people. A huge number.” “If Europe was to have that same number of refugees. There would be about 145 million refugees in Europe. There would be 80 million refugees in the US. What we are talking about is a relatively small number of people.”

He hopes there can be more safety and security offered to those wanting to return home; and a reconstruction in Syria that not only benefits those in power but benefits those displaced. 

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