Tips to promote effective parenting through more communication and less yelling

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“Educar en calma,” or, “peaceful parenting,” is an online platform to equip parents with the tools they need to educate their kids without resorting to yelling and harsh punishment, which might not be the most effective long-term parenting strategies.

Founder of “Educar en Calma”
“If you yell or punish a child, he or she will automatically stop. But they'll stop only while you're watching them. But will this help you in a week, a month, a year, 10 years? No, it won't work. On top of the damage caused, there's a negative impact on the psychological level, in terms of trust, in terms of connection, on the family. There are more negative effects than benefits.”

Elisa Molina, an educator and mother of five, counters draconian parenting styles with an education based on respect and clear communication between parents and children

Founder of “Educar en Calma”
“The most important change we have to make is not in our children; it's in ourselves. It's in the way we perceive and interpret our kids' behavior. Because we often think that our children do things deliberately to annoy us. 'Oh, my son likes to suddenly throw his food on the floor.' 'Okay, well, how old is your son?' 'Well, he's one.' Okay, maybe he's learning to eat by himself, and he throws his food on the floor because he loves to watch the dog eat it.”

Instead of making an endless list of rules and no-no's for kids, Molina recommends helping children understand what they can do. So instead of angrily telling them they can't draw on the walls, she suggests encouraging them to draw on a piece of paper.

Founder of “Educar en calma”
“This gives them a tremendous boost of self-confidence. Of course, we have to set limits and rules. Absolutely. But all within a framework of freedom in which they have the ability to be taken into account, to make decisions, to be able to choose, to become more and more independent and capable. In the end, that's what we as parents want, as they grow into the adults of tomorrow.”

Molina also offers courses, family coaching and workshops that combine the theoretical with the practical to help parents foster healthier relationships with their children and rediscover the joy of raising their kids. She's even published a book, “Educar en calma,” where moms and dads can easily access her tips to keep calm and parent on.


Educar en calma

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