On Saturday June 7th, Mexico's president, Enrique Peña Nieto will meet with Pope Francis in the Vatican. ;
Of a population of about 120 million people, roughly 83 percent of Mexicans are Catholic. ;
The president was elected in 2012. When Francis became Pontiff, he attended his inaugural Mass and greeted him afterward. But this will be the first time they have an actual meeting. ;
There's a long list of issues that will more than likely be discussed, including the effects of drug trafficking, poverty and education. ;
Of course a main issue is massive immigration. In fact, recently when Mexican Bishops attended their 'ad limina' visits with the Pope, they highlighted that it's not just Mexican immigration that's affecting the country, but also immigration in Central America. ;
According to Mexico's National Migration Institute, more than 320,000 illegal immigrants were deported from the U.S in 2013 alone. ;
They include migrants from across Latin America, who leave their countries in search of a better future. ;
Up: YJA ;