The spectacular Bible Museum that is being built in Washington, D.C.

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Few know that in November 2017, one of the largest museums in the world will open in Washington, D.C. A museum dedicated to one single book.  

President, Bible Museum

'It's the most burned book. People have just been trying to destroy the Bible for hundreds of thousands of years. And it's still the best selling book of all time. It's had more impact than any single piece of literature ever written. It's still used by the majority of the world today and it still changes peoples lives.'

Cary Summers has been working for years on this project. Bear in mind that although the Bible is one of the most important books ever written, is also one of the least known. This place will use the latest technology to tell the stories of the Bible, explain the circulation of the book, and show its impact on our culture.  

It is not a religious museum; however, it brings together elements of Jewish, Catholic and Protestant traditions as a way to better understand the Bible.  

President, Bible Museum

'We found that by engaging in the Bible, people find that there's a lot more, they're a lot more in common than there are differences and that's very, very important to us to convey that. That if we could just use this museum to start tearing down some of the walls between these faith traditions, then God will bless that.'

This video reconstructs what the spectacular museum will be like. Everything from its huge doors and interactive rooms, to its auditorium with high definition projections.  

President, Bible Museum

'It's really an invitation to the world to come and understand the Bible better and have fun doing it. That's a very different approach, so our goal is to invite people to come and I guarantee you they will not be disappointed'. 

The museum will be open to everyone. Furthermore, those who donate now can have their names forever displayed on one of the museum's walls. It is just one way of participating in the project, and preserving the precious content of the world's most important book.

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