Christmas in Rome to meet the pope and enjoy some family time

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They are from Venezuela, but they are scattered across the world. This Christmas, they fulfilled their dream of spending some time together. 

'Itâ??s a family reunion. We come from Miami, Barcelona (Venezuela), and Caracas.â?

'We have chosen Rome because it was a family meeting, and it was the place we all agreed on. We are very happy, and even more so because I have my six grandchildren here, who are my greatest joy in the world.�

They had the chance to attend the popeâ??s audience all together. The popeâ??s message of hope inspired them, and they think it could help their country to listen to it. 

'We are immigrants from Venezuela to the United States, to Spain� My father is in Venezuela, many of our friends are there, and we know their problems� But we still have hope, the same attitude, we want to meet often, we want to be better, etc.�

'I could see the pope. They sat on one of the sides, but I got to see him up close, and I took a video of him. I took a video of him and I saw him from really close.�

'The peace in the atmosphere here, the tidyness� We think the whole atmosphere around here is fantastic.�

Before returning home, they hope to see other cities in Italy. Although for them, the most important thing is to enjoy their holidays together. 




- BN


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