Pope in Santa Marta: If we harden our hearts, we become atheists

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In his homily at Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis explained that a Christian stops being faithful to God when he does not listen and turns his back on Him. 


'And these two things- not listening to the Word of God, and the hardening of the heart, closing oneself to others- causes fidelity to be lost. The sense of fidelity is lost. In the First Reading, the Lord says, 'Fidelity is gone,' and we become unfaithful Catholics, pagan Catholics or, even worse, atheist Catholics, because we do not have a love referencing the love of the living God.'

Pope Francis also warned of the danger that occurs when Christian communities seek other worldly idols. To avoid this, he recommended reading the Bible daily.


'All of us today, if we stop a little and look at our heart, we will see how many times - how many times! - we have closed our ears, and how many times we have become deaf. When people, a community, say a Christian community, parish, or diocese, closes their ears and becomes deaf to the Word of the Lord, and seeks out other voices, other lords, that ends with idols, worldliness, another society they offer you, one departs from the living God. '

'And these two things- not listening to the Word of God, and the hardening of the heart, closing oneself to others- causes fidelity to be lost. The sense of fidelity is lost. In the First Reading, the Lord says, 'Fidelity is gone,' and we become unfaithful Catholics, pagan Catholics or, even worse, atheist Catholics, because we do not have a love referencing the love of the living God. Not listening and turning away - what makes our heart harden - leads us on the path of infidelity.'

'Each of us today may ask, 'Do I stop to listen to the Word of God? Do I take the Bible in my hand, which is speaking to me? Has my heart hardened? Have I gone away from the Lord? Have I lost my allegiance to the Lord, and live with the idols offered me by the mundanity of each day? Have I lost the joy of the stupor of the first encounter with Jesus? Today is a day to listen, to hear the voice of the Lord, we have prayed to. 'Do not harden your heart.' Let us ask for this grace: the grace to listen so that our heart does not harden.â? 

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