During his daily homily at Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis emphasized that a Christian should not be rigid. He said many live a double life, making themselves look good to others but doing ugly things in private.
'I think, when I say this, of the many young people in the Church today who have fallen into the temptation of rigidity. Some are sincere, they are good. We have to pray that the Lord might help them to grow along the path of meekness.â?
He concluded by explaining that the path of a Christian is to 'go forward along the path marked out by Jesus,â? which is the path of resurrection.
'They are rigid people living a double life: They make themselves look good, sincere, but when no one sees them, they do ugly things. On the other hand, this young man was honest. He believed that. I think, when I say this, of the many young people in the Church today who have fallen into the temptation of rigidity. Some are sincere, they are good. We have to pray that the Lord might help them to grow along the path of meekness.â?
'And so this man preached to others out of his own experience, from one part to another: persecuted, with so many problems, even in the Church, even having to suffer from Christians quarreling among themselves. But he, who had persecuted the Lord with the zeal of the law, said to the Christians, â??With those same things by which you have drawn away from God, with which you have sinned â?? with the mind, with the body, with everything â?? with those same members now you are perfect, you give glory to God.â??â?
'This is the path of the Christian: to go forward along the path marked out by Jesus: the path of preaching, the path of suffering, the path of the Cross, the path of the resurrection. Today, in a special way, let us pray to Saul for those in the Church who are rigid: for the rigid who are sincere, as he was, who have zeal, but are mistaken. And for the rigid who are hypocrites, those who live a double life, those of whom Jesus said, â??Do what they say, but not what they do.â?? Let us pray today for the rigid.â?