Pope at General Audience says our well-being is a public, not simply a private, good

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During his General Audience, the pope reflected once more on the importance of “collective efforts to heal our wounded world.”

He said “our well-being is a public, not simply a private, good,” which is why he encouraged Christians to strive to love unconditionally, especially “in responding to the grave problems brought to the fore by the pandemic.”


Dear Brothers and Sisters, in our reflections on the current pandemic in the light of the Church’s social doctrine, we have seen that the common good must be the goal of our individual and collective efforts to heal our wounded world. Our Christian commitment in this regard is inspired by God’s unconditional love, which calls us to set no limits on our love for others and our concern for their welfare. 

As members of the one human family, our well-being is a public, not simply a private, good. By placing every human person and the common good at the center of our cultural, economic and political activity, we will create a genuinely healthy, just and peaceful world, and so contribute to the building of a true “civilization of love.” 

The coronavirus heeds no cultural or political barrier or distinction – nor must we impose any barrier or distinction on our love as we work for the common good in responding to the grave problems brought to the fore by the pandemic, in fidelity to our Christian vocation.

I cordially greet the English-speaking faithful. May the Lord’s grace sustain all of you in bringing the Father’s love to our brothers and sisters, especially those most in need. Upon all of you and your families I invoke the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you!

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