Cardinal Pietro Parolin ordains 29 new Opus Dei priests

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Cardinal Pietro Parolin ordained these 29 Opus Dei priests in a basilica in Rome. Before beginning the celebration, they read a letter Pope Francis had sent them for the ceremony.

“I beg you to impart also to the new priests, their families and everyone participating in the celebration, my apostolic blessing.”

During the Mass, as per tradition, the rector of the seminary where they studied called them one by one. They would each stand up and respond in Latin, “Here I am.”

Vatican Secretary of State
“I was moved when I heard your answer: 'Adsum.' 'Here I am.' I am here, but it's not only a physical presence. It's like saying, 'Lord, here I am. You can count on me. You can count on me because I offer you my entire life, for the mission with which you entrusted me.'”

The rite was very solemn.

The saints are invoked to help the future priests while they pray prostrate, as a sign of humility.

Then they approached the cardinal one by one, for the imposition of the hands.

After the imposition came the prayer of consecration.

From that moment, they were priests, and so they put on the chasuble to celebrate Mass. As a matter of fact, this ceremony was also their first Mass as priests.

Before concluding, the prelate of Opus Dei delivered a message to all the participants.

Prelate of Opus Dei
“I say this above all to the parents of the new priests: Thank you for collaborating with God to plant in your sons the vocation to the priesthood.”

Many of the new priests missed their families, who could not travel to Rome because of the pandemic.

Claudio was one of them.

His family sent him a message and followed the ceremony online.

“Unfortunately, Italy is closed to all of America, or almost all of America. So my cousins, my aunts and uncles and my dad will gather at my godmother's house starting Friday night.”
“My father said, 'Surely God will ask great things of these priests, to whom he sends such a heavy cross in these moments. However,' he said, 'you can see he wants them to grow, which is why they're ordained under these circumstances.' He says it's precisely why we're happy, because it's a guarantee of fidelity.”

For these 29 priests, it's the start of a new life. Over the next few days, they'll leave Rome to work in their own countries.


Translation: CT

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