Pope Francis continues his series of catechesis on prayer. This week he explained what contemplative prayer consists of.
He said that contemplative prayer is not a way of acting but a way of being, since it is about letting .
Everything is born from there: from a heart that feels itself looked at with love. Then one sees reality with different eyes.
It doesn't take many words: a glance is enough to be convinced that our life is surrounded by a great and faithful love from which nothing can separate us.
The Pope lamented that some spiritual authors present contemplation as opposed to action. He said that this is a mistake because in the life of Christ they are not opposed to each other. However, it is something that must be cultivated.
I encourage you to take a break and go to the nearest church, to sit for a while in front of the tabernacle. Let yourselves behold the infinite and patient love of Jesus, who awaits you there, and contemplate him with the eyes of faith and love. He will speak many things to your heart.
Francis recalled that during May, in Poland there is the custom of stopping to pray before an image of the Virgin Mary.
He also invited to participate in the global marathon of rosaries to ask for the end of the coronavirus.